Our Q4 (4th Quarter) is moving right along. We’re ahead of last year for December, the Quarter, and finally for the year.
We’ve sold in new Categories, with new SKUs (Stock Keeping Units), and old stand-bys.
Some of our new stuff hasn’t done much. That’s the risk we take trying to expand business.
How to improve?
We didn’t do any PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, so there’s that.
We also haven’t cross-listed on our eBay or Etsy accounts. That’s in the plan for the coming year.
We’re old and retired, so we don’t want to make our business a J-O-B. We still love to travel and take care of our farmlettte here in Oregon’s Wine Country.
So, the plan is to just add a few hours a week to grow the business.
How did your Q4 go?
John L