Since our hosting troubles, we have not been able to do much of anything in the way of Content.
No new posts. No new Tips. No news.
But, we can now resume. I’ll try to do plenty of updating over the next few weeks. New Content. New Tips. News.
So, here is News.
Our Kindle Book, “Freedom by Amazon” still lives in the Kindle Store. Here is a link: Our Book on Amazon
This is an Amazon Associates link which means Amazon (not you) will pay me a penny or two if you click the link and buy it.
The book attempts to make Amazon’s FBA program a bit easier to understand and to use.
We’ve been Financially Free for several years because of our Amazon FBA business. If you learn and practice what you learn, you can also build a business for your own freedom.
The hardest part is to get started.
Then it gets more difficult.
Any new thing is difficult in the beginning. Be persistent and consistent, and it actually does get easier.
Thanks for stopping by.
Let me know how I can help you.
John L