You're New. What Should You Do?

Here, in the beginning, everything is new and hard and frustrating. This is your “obstacle”. Now, make it into your “Opportunity.”

Persistent, consistent application of proven skills will work in your favor.

You need to build skills. The skill of finding profitable products will be your most important one for perhaps years. You have to practice to improve skills.

Plan on “investing” some amount of money ($1-200?) just to learn how to find, list, and ship products for your Amazon business. Don’t focus on making a profit (although if you do – Great). Rather focus on learning everything you can about every item LISTING that you can. How many Sellers, BSR, Amazon’s fees for it, Is the listing good quality, can you think of ways to improve it… You’ll soon begin to gain insight on the RA items or category. You’ll get better.

Buy a couple of several items – good BSR, not necessarily profits. Practice recording item details in some sort of notebook or spreadsheet.

Now, List them. Add them to existing listings – (that’s the easiest way, not necessarily the best) Fill in as many of the Description and Other details as you can. Again, learn Keywords, and how to navigate these pages.

Now, create a Shipping Plan for your listings. Amazon will provide a helpful workflow for you. Roam around each of those steps, click the Help links there along the way. Amazon will allow you to print labels for your items. When you Approve the workflow, Amazon will likely split all your items into 2 or more destinations. That’s alright. You’re learning.

Prep your products for shipment. Pack them up into appropriate boxes. Purchase, print and apply the shipping labels. Take the boxes to a drop-off location (UPS Store?)

Now, go do it again.

Build skills through practicing these basic skills. The longer you persist, the better you’ll get.

You can do it, but you have to DO it,

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