List It! Get Your Purchase “On the Shelf”!

From the 3 “Success” rules, we’ve covered Finding It.

Now, it’s time to List It!

If the product is already available on Amazon, Listing it is a simple matter of adding your products to the existing Catalog listing.

You can do this from inside the Amazon Seller free app on your phone.

For example, I am at a local home improvement store, and I find something on sale. I scan it, and find it qualifies for my parameters. I decide to buy a dozen of them (2 for me) and right there on the app is a “Sell Yours” button.

I do it. Now, just gather my dozen and checkout at the cash register. (I’m a Vietnam Vet, so I get an additional 10% discount. WooHoo!)

I just have to ship them in, which is step 3 of the Success steps.

However, if it isn’t already listed, I have to create a listing for it.

If you don’t have a Professional Selling Account, you can’t create a listing, regardless of how wonderful it is.

With a Professional Selling Plan, you can create listings for single items, bundles, or multi-packs.

Here’s how:

  1. Create a Compelling Title. Most Buyers search for what they want. This is the most valuable “real estate” on the Amazon page. I’ve seen awful titles. Don’t make yours one of them.
  2. Take Outstanding Photos. You have 9 slots available for photos. Use as many as you can. Show it in use. Shown it front, back, assembled, and all the parts.
  3. Make “meaningful” bullet points. You get 5 of them. Use them all. Tell how it gets used. Describe all the details of the product. Ask for the sale. (I use “Click the [Add to Cart] Button to Get Yours!” as my last bullet.
  4. Enter accurate and “longtail” Keywords. Longtail is all the words someone might use to find this product.
  5. Make your main Description in the form of a story. Tell how it gets used. Use some basic HTML tags. <p> starts a new paragraph. <b> and </b> starts and ends some Bold text.
  6. If there is no UPC code, use one you can buy on eBay.
  7. Fill in as many of the blanks on the Amazon pages as apply.
  8. Assign a meaningful SKU. If you don’t, Amazon assigns some random one that means nothing to you. I use: Vendor-Order#-Description. Don’t put spaces in this SKU.
  9. Price it right.
  10. Click the button.

Once in hand, it won’t sell unless it’s “on the shelf”, listed under your User ID.

You can’t Ship It until it is listed.

Inventory isn’t profit, nor is it cash.

Get it “On the Shelf” by listing it.

John L

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